Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Midterm And Other Stuff

Well, at columbia we have our midterm next week. To study I'm going to try and review vocal, Grammar, ect... pretty much everything required to review for a test:P I've been having fun with japanese so far, happy hiragana is complete and can't wait to move into katakana, and eventually, Kanji!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why Japanese?

I wanted to study Japanese for a few reasons. Japan has always really fascinated me (all of the best electronics come from there:P) and I would really like to go to japan at some point. I have been to a few other places in Asia (Singapore, China) but I haven't gone to japan yet :-/ What brought me to Asia? I travel the world for fencing, and have been to Europe many times. But sadly, japan has always eluded me :-( Hopefully that'll change after I learn the language. I think it would be fun to go and know something about their language and culture.  I'm excited about learning the rest of Hiragana, and also moving into Katakana later. I'm finding the grammatical structure in Japanese difficult so far.


はじめましてわたしは ういりあむ です。わたしは いちねんせいです。 ころんびあ だいがくのがくせいです。わたしはあめりかじんです。わたしは あればにー からきました。 わたしは じゅうはっさい です。